miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017

Body systems. PB. pages 6 and 7.

1. Name three different body systems.

                 1. The circulatory system.
                 2. The digestive system. 
                 3. The respiratory system. 

    2. What are the functions of these 
                 body systems?  

   Which system helps us digest our food?
    -Digestive system.
   Which system helps us breathe?
    -Respiratory system.
   Which system takes blood around the body? 
     -Circulatory system. 

What is the function of the digestive system?
The digestive system helps us digest our body.
The digestive system breaks down food into 

What is the function of the respiratory system?
The respiratory system helps us breathe.
The respiratory system gets oxygen from the air
                               and expels carbon dioxide.

What is the function of the circulatory system?
The circulatory system takes blood around the 
The circulatory system takes nutrients and 
                                               oxygen to all parts
                                               of the body.  

 3. Name the five senses. 
     Which organs do they use?



4. Look at Alex and Carla. 
    Which organ is Carla listening to?

Carla´s listening to Alex´s heart.

5. Listen to the song. 
    Which organs do you hear?
    What are the three body systems in the song?

   -The organs I can hear are......
          heart, intestines and lungs. 

   -The three body systems in the song are:
        The circulatory, digestive and respiratory


         Body systems, body systems
         so many systems

                    What do they do?
                    What do they do?

-The heart pumps your blood
  all around your body
  never stopping.

-The circulatory system 
  a transport line to all your cells
  taking nutrients from the small intestine
  oxygen from the lungs
  to all your body parts.

-The circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems
             working together,
             keeping the cells alive,
             helping us survive. 


What are nutrients?
Nutrients are essential substances that
your body needs 
in order to grow and stay healthy. 


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